Indiana Homeschooling

Are you a parent considering homeschooling your child? Are you an experienced homeschooler looking for more support and ideas? Are you looking for information you can use to convince others that home education is a great choice for your family? You'll find answers to all your questions right here! Especially designed for homeschoolers in Indiana, our website has the best resources, information, support, and ideas.

What's Popular
Roman Catholic Home Educators of Indiana (RCHEI)
Roman Catholic Home Educators of Indiana supports Catholic home educators in the state of Indiana. Offers annual conference, used book sales, information, and support.
The Relationship Between Public Schools and Home Schools In Indiana
Questions and answers regarding the relationship between public schools and home schools in Indiana.
The Homeschool HUB
The Homeschool HUB is a non-profit educational organization and Michiana's homeschooling resource center. This organization provides programs and field trips, and a communication network among homeschool families in the Michiana area. They offer classes and seminars, field trips, games days, play days, community service projects, a sports program, and much more.
Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN)
Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN) is a statewide organization providing information, support, and resource to home educating families in Indiana.
Indianapolis Zoo
The Indianapolis Zoo has approximately 3,800 specimens of 320 species of animals, including 16 endangered species, four threatened species, and 13 Species Survival (SSP) animal species. The Zoo also has more than 1,900 species of plants in its collection.
Indiana Single Homeschoolers
This is an unmoderated discussion and support group/list for single parents (living in Indiana) who are also homeschooling their children. Sharing of help, advice, and concerns is encouaged.
Make Room for Homeschoolers: Children Educated at Home Can help Make a Library More Fantastic
This unique library program in Floyd County, Indiana, offers ideas on how to provide programming for the homeschooling community. 
State Homeschooling Laws in Indiana
The law requires that our children be in school from 7-17 years of age and that they attend school for 180 days each year. This summary of the law is provided by the Indiana Association of Home Educators.
George Rogers Clark National Historical Park
A classic memorial stands on the site of Fort Sackville to commemorate the capture of the fort from British Lt. Governor Henry Hamilton and his soldiers by Lt. Col. George Rogers Clark and his frontiersmen on February 25, 1779. The heroic march of Clark's men from Kaskaskia on the Mississippi in mid-winter and the subsequent victory over the British remains one of the great feats of the American Revolution. Adjacent to the memorial there is a visitor center where one can see interpretive program...
South Bend Chocolate Company Tour
This South Bend, Indiana, company got its start making candy for the University of Notre Dame. They now make licensed chocolates for Indiana University, Purdue University and the University of Michigan. They also wholesale their line of chocolates to confectionery stores, gift shops, gourmet food stores, coffee shops and gift basket companies throughout the country. You can see them in action with either a free guided tour or set your own pace with a self-guided tour. Reservations are encouraged...
Southwestern Indiana Home Educators (SWIHE)
Southwestern Indiana Home Educators (SWIHE) provides encouragement to area homeschoolers through educational opportunities, such as monthly fellowship coffees, printed literature, publication of a regional newsletter, etc. They also offer a resource packet for new homeschoolers.
Lighthouse Christian Book Store
7956 State Rd. 37 Bedford, IN 47421 Phone: 812-279-9979 Carries Christian books and materials, along with curriculum supplies and other homeschooling items.
Indiana Department of Education
The Indiana Deparment of Education provides this website with information and contact information pertaining to public education in the state of Indiana.
Homeschool Network of Greater Cincinnati (HSN)
The HSN is families working together to support each other in the joys and responsibilities of educating their children at home. Members come from the greater Cincinnati area, including southern Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. Members' children range in age from infants to graduating seniors. They do not advocate any particular method, style, or philosophy of home schooling, but help families to connect with one another and to find the information/resources that they need.
Illiana Homeschool Cooperative
This is a group of homeschooling families in northwest Indiana and northeast Illinois who are providing socialization and educational opportunities for their children.
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Featured Resources

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Homeschooling 101: A Guide to Getting Started
Homeschooling 101 gives you the steps to help you get started on your homeschool journey. This guide lays out how to get started, choose and gather curriculum, scheduling, organizing your home, and finding the joy in homeschooling. This book is perfe...
Learning Styles: Reaching Everyone God Gave You to Teach
This book offers helpful and practical strategies about the different ways that kids acquire information and learn, and then use that knowledge. Kids' behavior is often tied to a particular learning style and understanding that fact will help parents...
Idea Book For Cuisenaire Rods At The Intermediate Level
Grades 2-5. Idea Book designed for use with Cuisenaire Rods.
The Absorbent Mind
In response to the crisis in American education, more than five thousand public and private schools across the nation have adopted the timeless Montessori Method of teaching, of which this book is the cornerstone. Written by the women whose name is s...
Considering God's Creation
Life science truly comes alive with this 270-page lap-book style notebook for 2nd-7th graders. A Charlotte Mason type discovery approach is easily implemented with creative activities, music and topical Bible studies, making this program a perfect ch...
Quote of the Day

The truth is that schools don't really teach anything except how to obey orders.

John Taylor Gatto